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Whitham, T. G., and R. K. Bangert. 2007. Genetic assembly rules and community phenotypes. Evolutionary Ecology 21:549 - 560.
Flikkema, P. G., P. K. Agarwal, J. S. Clark, C. Ellis, and A. Gelfand. 2007. From Data Reverence to Data Relevance: Model-Mediated Wireless Sensing of the Physical Environment. 988 - 994 in G. Albada, Dongarra, J., and Sloot, P. ICCS 2007, 7th International Conference. Springer Berlin/HeidelbergBeijing, China.
Waring, K. M. 2017. DNA, UAVs, climate and disease: working across disciplines to sustain southwestern white pine. in Southwest Section Meeting – Society of American Foresters. Flagstaff, AZ USA.
Waring, K. M. 2017. DNA, UAVs, climate and disease: working across disciplines to sustain southwestern white pine.. in Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia. Bogor, Indonesia.


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