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Research Hub

Welcome to the SEGA research hub! This section of the SEGA website is dedicated to supporting genetics-based climate change research and facilitating the exchange of data and information. Here you can find data management protocols, acquire live data, view current project summaries, and locate peer-reviewed ecological and engineering publications on SEGA-related topics. Contact information for those researchers using the SEGA facility is also available. In the future, near real-time data on a range of parameters being collected at the SEGA gardens, including air temperature and soil moisture, will be available here. Without question, the ability to develop meaningful solutions to climate change and its cascading effects, including pest outbreaks, disease, exotic species expansion, fire, habitat loss, and other challenges, requires scientists from a wide range of disciplines to work collaboratively. To this end, SEGA seeks to share data and information that fosters collaboration. Please contact Paul Heinrich with questions about viewing or acquiring live data.


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