To use a SEGA garden:
1. Review the list of pre-approved experimental manipulations
2. Fill out a project summary form
3. Contact SEGA project manager Lara Schmit who will assist you with project approval, logistics and payment information.
All proposed research projects will be subject to a non-biased review process by the SEGA Governing Board, designed to ensure that any potential risks to SEGA staff, landowners, land managers, the environment, or adjacent SEGA projects are minimized/acceptable. Should a proposed project fit into the ‘special authorization category’ i.e.
The proposal will be forwarded to the SEGA Science Advisory Board, which will have 30 days upon receipt to determine whether the project is approved, needs modification/clarification, or is rejected. Every attempt will be made to clearly communicate any concerns to the PI, so that concerns can be addressed and research projects can move forward. Landowners/managers will be notified of any new, approved projects and have the new proposals provided to them.
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