Weather stations are used at each SEGA site to provide garden users with accurate data on a range of environmental conditions. SEGA weather stations include the instrumentation listed below. Some sensors are duplicated for redundancy or testing of multiple devices. The final sensor set may include other devices. Each garden site will also include several WiSARD wireless sensor devices supporting multiple soil moisture and temperature sensors Decagon 5TM volumetric water content sensors and Decagon MPS-6 water potential sensors).
Raw Near Real-Time Weather Conditions for all sites are available at: SEGA Weather
Details about the weather observations, the sensors and the data tables are here: Sensors, Parameters, and Tables
The most recent site image is avaliable at the individual garden page here: SEGA Gardens
Historic Image Collections and Derived Statisticas are avalible at the National Phenocam Network
- 10m tower
- (1) Campbell Scientific CR-1000 Datalogger; records raw data from weather / climate sensors
- (1) Campbell CMF100 or NL115 External Memory Module with 2GB CompactFlash card
- (1) Campbell AM16/32B Multiplexer - allows for connection of many additional sensors
- (1) Campbell CH200 Smart Charging Regulator - charges battery from solar panel and provides data on charge state / power system function
- (1) 24 A-hr battery - provides several days of power to weather system in the event of little or no solar charging
- (1) Campbell SP20 Solar Panel - provides power to station
- (1) Viasala HMP155A Air Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe at 2m above ground
- (multiple) type K thermocouples for air temperature at multiple heights above ground
- (3) Campbell 109 thermistor-based soil temperature sensors at 5, 10 and 15cm below ground
- (2-3) Campbell CS616 Water Content Reflectometers for soil water content at 0-30, 30-60 and at some sites 60-90cm below ground
- (1) Geonor T200B Vibrating Wire Rain Can to measure precipitation on 2.5m pedestal
- (1) LI190SB Quantum Sensor measures photosyntheticly active radiation at 3m above ground
- (1) LI200X Slicon Pyranometer measures sun plus sky radiation at 3m above ground
- (1) 05106-L Wind Monitor, Marine Wind Set Measures wind speed and direction at 10m above ground
- (1) StarDot NetCam SC IR 5MP camera - phenocam - color and IR image pairs used to produce NDVI "greenness index" - provides data to the Phenocam Network
Portable Sensors for Use at Multiple Gardens
- CO2 and CH4 concentration and isotope analyzer – Picarro G2201
- N20 concentration and isotope analyzer – Picarro G5101 (NAU- Research Investment Funds RIF-REAP award money)
- LICOR survey respiration - LI-8100A
Survey Instruments