Each SEGA site includes a 1800W solar power system manufactured by Sacred Power (now Energy ReVolt). These systems provide power for irrigation and environmental sensing systems. Currently, we can provide 110VAC (high-quality sine wave inverter), 48VDC (nominal) and 12VDC (regulated) at all sites. Depending on site requirments, power may be available for user instruments and convenience. A few SEGA sites have grid power available, these include the Arboretum Forest, Arboretum Meadow and Bradshaw Ranch sites. Contact Paul Heinrich for details.
Each SEGA site includes facilities to provide pressurized water to experiments. Additionally, The WiSARD network can be used to control irrigation within treatments or blocks. Contact SEGA staff (Diane Hope or Paul Heinrich) to discuss irrigation design and project requirements. Some sites have higher capacity water availability due to local conditions.
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