Graduate student Derek Uhey has put together this guide to arthropods at the SEGA sites. Arthropod taxa are organized phylogenetically for orders and alphabetically within orders (family, genus, species). The Orders included in guide: Zoraptera, Orthoptera, Neuroptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera & Hymenoptera. Taxa were identified with help from experts, both in person and online through image sharing. The lowest level identification of each taxa was made, but limited resources mean that many arthropods are not identified to species. Some identifications may be tentative and are placed in parenthesis. It's important to be aware that many groups of ground arthropods in the western US have unclear taxonomy, and ID’s here may represent species groups that are likely to change with taxonomic revisions or may be mis-characterized completely. These taxa are mainly from pit trapping efforts during the summers of 2014 and 2015. This list is not a complete inventory of these sites, since changes in season, sampling methods, and climate are likely to cause significant species turnover. Instead, this general inventory of ground arthropods is meant to showcase the diversity of these sites, record dominant species, and provide a starting point for future work. All specimens are curated at Northern Arizona University in the Biology Department as part of the Colorado Plateau Museum of Arthropod Biodiversity. Download the PDF For further helpful tips and information on arthropod identification see:
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