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He, Y., and P. G. Flikkema. 2009. System-level characterization of single-chip radios for wireless sensor network applications .. in Proceedings of the IEEE 10th Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference. IEEEClearwater, Florida, USA.
Yamamoto, K., Y. He, P. L. Heinrich, A. Orange, B. Ruggeri, H. Wilberger, and P. G. Flikkema. 2010. WiSARDNet field-to-desktop: building a wireless cyberinfrastructure for environmental monitoring.. 101 - 108 in vanRiper C III, Wakeling, B. F., and Sisk, T. D. The Colorado Plateau IV: Shaping Conservation Through Science and Management. The University of Arizona PressTucson, AZ, USA.
Yamamoto, K., Y. He, P. L. Heinrich, A. Orange, B. Ruggeri, H. Wilberger, and P. G. Flikkema. 2010. WiSARDNet field-to-desktop: building a wireless cyberinfrastructure for environmental monitoring.. 101 - 108 in vanRiper C III, Wakeling, B. F., and Sisk, T. D. The Colorado Plateau IV: Shaping Conservation Through Science and Management. The University of Arizona PressTucson, AZ, USA.
Li, C., P. G. Flikkema, and S. L. Howard. 2011. Progressive coding and iterative source-channel decoding in wireless data gathering networks .. Dec 5 - 9 in Proceedings of 2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. IEE GLOBECOMHouston, TX, USA.


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