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Wimp, G. M., and T. G. Whitham. 2007. Host plants mediate ant-aphid mutualisms and their effects on community structure and diversity. 275 - 305 in T. Ohgushi, Craig, T. P., and Price, P. W. Ecological communities: plant mediation in indirect interaction webs. Cambridge University PressNew York, NY, USA.
Yamamoto, K., Y. He, P. L. Heinrich, A. Orange, B. Ruggeri, H. Wilberger, and P. G. Flikkema. 2010. WiSARDNet field-to-desktop: building a wireless cyberinfrastructure for environmental monitoring.. 101 - 108 in vanRiper C III, Wakeling, B. F., and Sisk, T. D. The Colorado Plateau IV: Shaping Conservation Through Science and Management. The University of Arizona PressTucson, AZ, USA.

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