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Flikkema, P. G., P. K. Agarwal, J. S. Clark, C. Ellis, and A. Gelfand. 2006. Model-Driven Dynamic Control of Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks. 409 - 416 in V. Alexandrov, van Albada, G., Sloot, P., and Dongarra, J. Computational Science - ICCS 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6th International Conference. Springer Berlin/HeidelbergReading, UK.
Yamamoto, K., Y. He, P. L. Heinrich, A. Orange, B. Ruggeri, H. Wilberger, and P. G. Flikkema. 2010. WiSARDNet field-to-desktop: building a wireless cyberinfrastructure for environmental monitoring.. 101 - 108 in vanRiper C III, Wakeling, B. F., and Sisk, T. D. The Colorado Plateau IV: Shaping Conservation Through Science and Management. The University of Arizona PressTucson, AZ, USA.


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