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Ghosh, S., D. M. Bell, J. S. Clark, A. E. Gelfand, and P. Flikkema. 2014. Process Modeling for Soil Moisture Using Sensor Network Data .. Statistical Methodology (Special issue on modern statistical methods in ecology) 12:99 - 112.
Li, C., P. G. Flikkema, and S. L. Howard. 2011. Progressive coding and iterative source-channel decoding in wireless data gathering networks .. Dec 5 - 9 in Proceedings of 2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. IEE GLOBECOMHouston, TX, USA.
Flikkema, P. G. 2006. The precision and energetic cost of snapshot estimates in wireless sensor networks .. 603 - 608 in Proceedings of 11th Annual IEEE Symposium on Computing and Communications 2006. IEEE ISCC ’06Cagliari Italy.

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