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B.A. Adams, and Plant genotype influences aquatic-terrestrial ecosystem linkages through timing and composition of insect emergence.

Publication Type:

Journal Article


ECOSPHERE e01331 101002ecs21331 DOI 101002ecs21331, Volume 7, Issue 5 (2016)


[Original String]:Compson, Z.G., B.A. Hungate, T.G. Whitham, N. Meneses, P.E. Busby, T. Wojtowicz, A.C. Ford, K.J. Adams, and Marks, J.C. 2016. Plant genotype influences aquatic-terrestrial ecosystem linkages through timing and composition of insect emergence. ECOSPHERE 7(5) : e01331. 10.1002/ecs2.1331. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.1331

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