[Original String]:Waring K., Cushman, S., Eckert, A., Flores Renteria, L., Sniezko, R., Still, S., Wehenkel, C., Whipple, A., Wing, M., Boes, E., Bucholz, E., Burnett, J., Castilla, A., DaBell, J., Friedline, C., Garms, C., Heck, E., Johnson, J., Leal Saenz, A., McTeague, B., Menon M., and Moler E. 2017. Blending Ecology and Evolution using Emerging Technologies to Determine Species Distributions with a Non-native Pathogen in a Changing Climate. Forest Regeneration in Changing Climates, July 11-13, 2017, Corvallis, OR.
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