<p>Waring, K, Cushman, S, Eckert A, Flores Renteria, L, Sniezko, R, Still,C, Wehenkel, C, Whipple, A, and Wing, M. 2017. A holistic approach to genetic conservation in Pinus strobiformis. International Scientific Conference on Genetics of Populations: Progress and Perspectives, commemorating the 80th birthday of Academician Yury P. Altukhov and dedicated to the 45th Anniversary of the Laboratory of Population Genetics named after Yu. P. Altukhov, 17-21 April 2017, Zvenogorod Biological Station, Russia.</p>
[Original String]:Waring, K, Cushman, S, Eckert A, Flores Renteria, L, Sniezko, R, Still, C, Wehenkel, C, Whipple, A, and Wing, M. 2017. A holistic approach to genetic conservation in Pinus strobiformis. International Scientific Conference on Genetics of Populations: Progress and Perspectives, commemorating the 80th birthday of Academician Yury P. Altukhov and dedicated to the 45th Anniversary of the Laboratory of Population Genetics named after Yu. P. Altukhov, 17-21 April 2017, Zvenogorod Biological Station, Russia.
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