<p>Dijkstra, P., Mau, R.L., McHugh, T.A., Koch, B.J., Marks, J.C., vanGroenigen, K-J., Liu, X-J. A., Schwartz, E., Morrissey, E.M. and Hungate, B.A. (2016). From Taxon-Specific Responses To Whole System Carbon Cycling In The Root Microbiome. Phytobiomes: from microbes to plant ecosystems. Nov 2016, .</p>
[Original String]:Dijkstra, P., Mau, R.L., McHugh, T.A., Koch, B.J., Marks, J.C., van Groenigen, K-J., Liu, X-J. A., Schwartz, E., Morrissey, E.M. and Hungate, B.A. (2016). From Taxon-Specific Responses To Whole System Carbon Cycling In The Root Microbiome. Phytobiomes: from microbes to plant ecosystems. Nov 2016, Santa Fe NM.
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