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Yamamoto, K., Y. He, P. L. Heinrich, A. Orange, B. Ruggeri, H. Wilberger, and P. G. Flikkema. 2010. WiSARDNet field-to-desktop: building a wireless cyberinfrastructure for environmental monitoring.. 101 - 108 in vanRiper C III, Wakeling, B. F., and Sisk, T. D. The Colorado Plateau IV: Shaping Conservation Through Science and Management. The University of Arizona PressTucson, AZ, USA.
Yang, Z., B. Ruggeri, P. G. Flikkema, D. Johnson, M. Wright, and K. Xia. 2005. WiSARDNET: a system solution for high performance in situ environmental monitoring.. in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Networked Sensing Systems. IEEESan Diego, CA, USA.
Lau, J. A., J. T. Lennon, and K. D. Heath. 2017. Trees harness the power of microbes to survive climate change. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 114.
Knapp, J., M. Elo, J. Schaffer, and P. G. Flikkema. 2014. Towards Intelligent Closed-Loop Workflows for Ecological Research Dynamic Data-driven Environmental Systems. in Dynamic Data-driven Environmental Systems Science Conference (DyDESS). DyDESSCambridge, MA, USA.
Heinrich, P. L., P. G. Flikkema, D. F, B. EP, and A. AJ. 2023. Toward cyber-eco systems: networked sensing, inference and control for ecological and agricultural systems.. 397-417 in Handbook of dynamic data driven applications systems,. Springer, Cham. . Springer, Cham.
He, Y., and P. G. Flikkema. 2009. System-level characterization of single-chip radios for wireless sensor network applications .. in Proceedings of the IEEE 10th Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference. IEEEClearwater, Florida, USA.
Knapp, J. D., M. Middleton, P. L. Heinrich, A. V. Whipple, and P. G. Flikkema. 2017. Support of distributed ecological experiments via closed-loop environmental control. in 2017 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech), . IEEE SusTechPhoenix, AZ.
DaBell, J., K. Waring, T. E. Kolb, and A. V. Whipple. 2017. Southwestern white pine performance across an elevational gradient.. in National Silviculture Workshop. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA.
DaBell, J., K. Waring, T. E. Kolb, and A. V. Whipple. 2017. Southwestern white pine performance across an elevational gradient.. 18 - 22 in North American Forest Ecology Workshop. Edmonton Canada.
Haskins, K. E. 2016. “The Southwest Experimental Garden Array and climate change research: Forecasting our floral future.. in Invited Guest Lecture: The Arboretum at Flagstaff 35th Anniversary Lecture Series. Flagstaff, AZ, USA.
Haskins, K. E. 2016. The Southwest Experimental Garden Array: A Tool for Examining Plant Responses to Climate Change.. in Public Garden, the newsletter of The American Public Gardens Association. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA.


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