Above - Percentage cover of bare ground (brown), vegetation (green), rocks (gray) and litter (beige/ight brown) at SEGA sites - as surveyed by NAU/PHYGROW (Russ Benford & Doug Tolleson & students) in 2015.
Below - Vegetation frequency data for major plant groups - as surveyed by NAU/PHYGROW (Russ Benford & Doug Tolleson & students) in 2015. Vegetation codes: ANFO - annual forb; ASPN - Aspen; CACT - cacti; CHGR - cheatgrass; CSPG - cold season perennial grass; KNWD - knapweed; FORB - forbs; JUNI - Juniper; MULL - Mullein; PEFO - perennial forb; PIPI or PIPO - ponderosa pine; RUTH - Russian thistle; SEDG - sedges; SHRB - shrubs;SNWD or SNWE - snake weed;SPFR - spruce fir; WSPG - warm season perennial grass
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