SEGA is a new genetics-based research platform that allows scientists to quantify the ecological and evolutionary responses of species to changing climate conditions. It consists of 10 core gardens in northern Arizona from desert grassland to mixed conifer forest. Moving down in elevation from site to site mimic climate change because temperature and moisture predictably change with elevation.
Researchers from diverse disciplines are using SEGA to quantify the ecological and evolutionary impacts of climate change on foundation plant species, their associated communities,native-exotic species interactions, and the ecosystem processes that emerge from these interactions.
With the ultimate goal of improving on-the-ground management to cope with environmental change, the SEGA gardens are sited on federal and private lands where stakeholders are interested in incorporating the best science into management actions. SEGA research findings are expected to :
(1) provide a scientific basis for the concept of assisted migration;
(2) identify drought-tolerant genotypes and source populations that perform best at a given location for current and expected future climatic conditions and buffer against loss of ecosystem function; and
(3) develop techniques for managing exotic species that have become especially invasive with climate change.
At each SEGA site the following infrastructure is available for researchers:
PHENOCAMS – collecting real time paired color and near infra red data, which is converted to NDVIs via the phenocam network project being run by Andrew Richardson:
Additionally, there are three cottonwood macrosystems common gardens included within SEGA. These sites lack the instrumentation of core SEGA sites, but include large numbers of cottonwood trees of known origin.
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