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Clark, J. S., P. Agarwal, D. M. Bell, P. G. Flikkema, A. Gelfand, X. Nguyen, E. Ward, and J. Yang. 2011. Inferential ecosystem models, from network data to prediction.. Ecological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of America 21:1523 - 36.
DaBell, J., K. Waring, T. E. Kolb, and A. V. Whipple. 2017. Southwestern white pine performance across an elevational gradient.. 18 - 22 in North American Forest Ecology Workshop. Edmonton Canada.
DaBell, J., K. Waring, T. E. Kolb, and A. V. Whipple. 2017. Southwestern white pine performance across an elevational gradient.. in National Silviculture Workshop. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA.
Dijkstra, P., and K. J. van Groenigen. 2015. High carbon use efficiency is not explained by production of storage compounds.. 12 - 17 in European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Vienna, Austria.


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