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Flikkema, P. G., and B. West. 2003. Clique-based randomized multiple access for energy-efficient ad hoc wireless networks.. 977 - 981 in Proceedings of the Communication and Networking Conference IEEE WCNC 2003. IEEE WCNCNew Orleans, LA, USA.
Whipple, A. V., and M. Wing. 2016. Collaborative research for sustainable management of southwestern white pine.. in Society of American Foresters National Convention. Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Waring, K. M. 2017. DNA, UAVs, climate and disease: working across disciplines to sustain southwestern white pine. in Southwest Section Meeting – Society of American Foresters. Flagstaff, AZ USA.
Waring, K. M. 2017. DNA, UAVs, climate and disease: working across disciplines to sustain southwestern white pine.. in Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia. Bogor, Indonesia.


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